Roman Soldiers

Roman Soldiers moved into Germany about 1 A.D. Soldiers like these came to protect the Roman Empire along the Rhine and the Danube. They were to keep the German tribes east of the Rhine and north of the Danube.

The Roman Soldier was armed with a spear and short sword and used a large shield for protection.

The Roman Soldier was also a policeman and kept order in the cities, villages, and outposts of the Empire.

Soldiers wore a metal chain link shirt made of iron. They had a metal helmet, and metal shoulder and leg guards. They wore sandels of leather with iron nails lining the sole of the shoes for durablity.

Soldiers walked across the Empire. They marched from Rome to Trier and up and down the Rhine River. They lived in tents like this, as they traveled from place to place carrying out their duties for the Emperors at Rome.

Orders were written on wax slates. A series of roads linked the Empire together. The Soldiers enforced the will of Rome by military might.

Here are some spear points and the wax slates that were used to send written orders and letters.

Rome used special troops armed with bows, slings & javelins. Here we see an archer wearing the iron mail shirt and metal helmet. These were hot in summer, cold in winter, and heavy to wear. Soldiers also wore wool cloaks lined with linen.

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