Our Three Children Today

Kandi Kartchner

Kandi had been living in Ramstein Germany until 2005. In 2005 she moved to Tucson Arizona to get Teacher certified. June 2005 she was in a car accident and is recovering from severe injuries to her hip and legs. August 2006, Kandi is making a steady recovery but it will be several years until she is 100%. During her recovery she met Lisa and they married 12 August 2006. May 2007, Kandi has finish her Ed degree and started her teaching career in Tucson. Lisa is working on a degree to become a vet.

Kerry Kartchner

Deanna and Kerry were married soon after Kerry graduated form Iowa State University. They moved to Sunnyvale and are living the California life style. They have 3 chidren, Kyle, Rebecca and Ian. Kerry is working at Intuit.

Kristen Erickson

Kristen and Todd met at U of Arizona. They married just before they graduated in 2002. They moved to St. Louis Mo. in June 2006. Todd is working for a network company and Kryss is doing a Doctorate degree in physics.

Our 39 Years in DoDDs.

You can E-mail me at pukarick@pukarick.com

With God All Things are possible.

You Can Accomplish all Things Through Christ Jesus.

All Things Work Towards The Good Of Those Called to God's Purposes

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