The protestant church dates from the 1500s and reformer Zwingli preached here. Older chapels farther westward on the grounds had been in use in medieval times. These older chapels have disappeared as a result of fires and remodeling.

Next to the church is a restored building which was once used to house knights and their families. Today, it is a museum of the natural history of the local area and the history of the area's musical traditions. Many of the music groups traveled between this area of Germany and the United States.

The oldest buildings in the castle are in the far western end of the Berg. Little more than the foundations of these early structures remain. Shops, workhouses, and living quarters for artisans made up the use of this area. A 210ft. deep well was dug here. The building in the foreground and to the right starts the western palas of the middle castle area.

A path leads from the museum into the middle castle area. This area had two palas, one for knights and lower Nobles and one for the upper Nobles and castle owners. There was also a horse-driven cereal mill and cistern in this area.

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